I’ve been wondering for a while if I could run C-based code on the 65816 using the cc65 toolset. Browsing through the cc65 documentation and C libraries it’s pretty clear that the 65816 isn’t specifically supported. In fact, the C libraries are primarily targeted towards the 6502 with just modest support for the 65C02. The …
C Coding: Tripped Up by a Carraige Return
Try out the completed N-Queens project discussed in this post You may have noticed from my last few posts that I’ve been adding support for the C programming language to my db65xx debugging extension for VS Code. When I first started with cc65, the added complexities needed to program in C kept me firmly in …
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6502: View C Function Local Variables in db65xx
I’ve added the capability to view local variables in C functions to the db65xx VS Code extension. I plan to write a bit more about this, but for now, here are a few screenshots. You can try it out with my Sieve of Eratosthenes project.
6502: Debugging the Sieve of Eratosthenes with the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension
12/17/2022 Update: db65xx now handles normal debug stepping within C files. I successfully ran my C-based Hello World example project in my VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension but needed a more rigorous test of C-based debugging. I often go to Rosetta Code to look for code samples to test on my various builds and find …
6502: Debugging C-based Code with the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension
I’ve added some support for C-based debugging in the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension. Try it and other example projects out in my db65xx projects repository.
6502: Playing Chess on the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension
I like trying out new programs on things I build and doing so on my VS Code db65xx debugging extension is no exception. I found a fun little chess program by Oscar Toledo that was easy to port to cc65 and needed only a few I/O modifications to get running on db65xx. It doesn’t play …
Continue reading “6502: Playing Chess on the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension”
65C02: Running Functional Tests in the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension
I’ve created a project to run Klaus Dormann’s functional tests in my VS Code db65xx debugging extension. Three test builds are available, one for the 6502, one for the 65C02 extended functions, and one testing the decimal mode. Here are some screenshots. Note that the 6502 and decimal mode tests can also be run on …
Continue reading “65C02: Running Functional Tests in the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension”