65816/65C02: Example Projects for VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension

I’ve created a GitHub repository with example projects for testing my VS Code db65xx debugging extension. If you already have cc65 installed, you can try out these examples with a few keystrokes.

Here are a few screenshots:

Basic terminal I/O

Example of integrated terminal I/O.  Prints “Hello world!” to the terminal and accepts keyboard input into a 256-character circular input buffer.

Debugging ‘Hello word!’ example project

Interrupt driven I/O

Example of interrupt driven I/O.  Uses the 65C22 shift register for keyboard input and the 65C51 for terminal output and file input.

Debugging interrupt driven I/O example project

32-bit Floating Point Package Test

Example of using the 32-bit floating point package.

Debugging the 32-bit floating point package