65C02: Running Functional Tests in the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension

I’ve created a project to run Klaus Dormann’s functional tests in my VS Code db65xx debugging extension. Three test builds are available, one for the 6502, one for the 65C02 extended functions, and one testing the decimal mode. Here are some screenshots. Note that the 6502 and decimal mode tests can also be run on …

65816/65C02: Example Projects for VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension

I’ve created a GitHub repository with example projects for testing my VS Code db65xx debugging extension. If you already have cc65 installed, you can try out these examples with a few keystrokes. Here are a few screenshots: Basic terminal I/O Example of integrated terminal I/O.  Prints “Hello world!” to the terminal and accepts keyboard input …

65816: Testing the 32-bit Floating Point Package with the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension

A reader recently asked me about some troubles he was having getting my 32-bit floating point package up and running. I thought it would be a great test for my new VS Code 65816 debugging extension. With just a few edits to the test program the reader was using, I was up and running in …

65816: 32-bit Floating-point Package Available

I wrote in my previous post about testing my 32-bit floating-point package on a Mandelbrot plot. Paying forward Marco’s original 128-bit package contribution, I’ve made my 32-bit package available on my GitHub. It’s still a work in progress with limited functionality. But it’s still enough to handle Mandelbrot which was my original goal. Function Stack …

65816: Floating Point – Finding a Balance Between Speed and Precision

I first got interested in the 65816 because of floating=point support. I had just finished porting Cosmic Conquest, an old text-based strategy game, to my 6502 system and was looking for other old games to port. I remembered an old text-based Star Trek game but on tracking it down discovered that it used floating point. …