6502: Debugging the Sieve of Eratosthenes with the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension

12/17/2022 Update: db65xx now handles normal debug stepping within C files. I successfully ran my C-based Hello World example project in my VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension but needed a more rigorous test of C-based debugging. I often go to Rosetta Code to look for code samples to test on my various builds and find …

65C02: Running Functional Tests in the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension

I’ve created a project to run Klaus Dormann’s functional tests in my VS Code db65xx debugging extension. Three test builds are available, one for the 6502, one for the 65C02 extended functions, and one testing the decimal mode. Here are some screenshots. Note that the 6502 and decimal mode tests can also be run on …

65816: Testing the 32-bit Floating Point Package with the VS Code db65xx Debugging Extension

A reader recently asked me about some troubles he was having getting my 32-bit floating point package up and running. I thought it would be a great test for my new VS Code 65816 debugging extension. With just a few edits to the test program the reader was using, I was up and running in …