The S-Pixie uses uses an LM386 as its audio amplifier (TI datasheet, note that I could not determine the manufacturer of the chip included in my kits). The design closely follows the design shown in Figure 12 of the datasheet. The 10 uF capacitor between pins 1 and 8 (shown as the two GAIN pins …
S-Pixie: Pi Filter Analysis
I bought a couple of Super Pixie Transceivers when I was studying for my Technician license but only got around to playing with them now. The S-Pixie is a low power, CW transceiver that operates in the 40 meter band at a fixed frequency of 7.023 MHz. The design for the radio has evolved over …
Radio Circuits: Playing Around with a Crystal Radio
I’ve been taking it kind of slow with radio gear purchases since getting licensed. Being more interested in the technical aspects of the hobby, I’ve bought a few small kits to get started with but these have mostly sat waiting me getting the time to assemble them and getting an antenna up. I have built …
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First Circuit Tests with the Digilent Analog Discovery 2
I got Digilent’s Ultimate Analog Discovery 2 Bundle to help with my journey into radio circuits. AD2 is an “USB oscilloscope, logic analyzer, and multi-function instrument that allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control mixed-signal circuits of all kinds. ” Digilent is having a 15% discount sale making the bundle particularly attractive. The ultimate …
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