65816: Build 4 Troubleshooting 1 – It’s the PLD, or is it?

I worked on the Build 4 modifications over several weeks, partly because I was just playing around with what I had on hand when I started and partly getting sidetracked looking into why things happen instead of just getting on with the build. In this post I discuss one of those side investigations regarding the …

6502: My Fourth Build – Testing the New Programmable Logic Device

I completed my fourth 6502 build the other day. It’s a barebones build, mainly intended to test my new PLD-based address decoding/interrupt request design. I didn’t need serial or keyboard support to test the PLD so haven’t included quite a bit of the I/O support that I had in build 3. I’m thinking that I’ll …

6502: Coding

After you’ve finished Ben Eater’s 6502 computer project, if not long before, as with me, you may be wondering about editor and assembler options for your 6502 coding work. Ben uses a basic Linux based editor and the VASM assembler throughout his project. If you are a regular Linux user you may be comfortable using …

6502: Memory

My first 6502 build, which followed Ben Eater’s 6502 computer project, uses two pretty pedestrian memory chips, an Atmel AT28C256 32k byte EEPROM and a 62256 32k byte SRAM. The EEPROM has a relatively slow 150 nanosecond access time. The SRAM access time is faster at 70 nanoseconds. The significance of these access times become …